churn out

英 [tʃɜːn aʊt] 美 [tʃɜːrn aʊt]

快速生产; 大量生产


  1. PHRASAL VERB 快速生产;大量生产
    To churn out something means to produce large quantities of it very quickly.
    1. He began to churn out literary compositions in English.


  1. He began to churn out literary compositions in English.
  2. Applying to a top MBA program requires an applicant to churn out several well crafted essays on everything from why they want the degree to what matters most in their lives.
  3. Academia and business are co-creating programs to churn out qualified graduates.
  4. Will ge be able to churn out applications as fast as Google ( GOOG) and Facebook ( FB), with a little help from pivotal?
  5. Now, there's a sort of guerrilla team inside Microsoft designed to churn out innovative products more often and more rapidly.
  6. The printer started to churn out copy after copy of the kid's ten-page report.
  7. The factory method pattern, as its name implies, defines the implementation of a method used to churn out objects.
  8. We churn out one nifty gadget after another, with bigger screens and less buttons.
  9. When youve waited until the last minute to do something, theres no time to go the extra mile; usually, you just have to settle for whatever you can churn out at the last minute.
  10. It is a habit that will lead you to a life where you have peace of mind, better and more efficient work churn out and more time on your hands to do the things you enjoy.
  11. Typically, this has little effect on growth as China needs to buy in raw materials to churn out what it ships overseas.
  12. It built several billion-dollar factories to churn out the displays, only to see those investments suffer during a prolonged downturn.
  13. In the course of her career, Langer says, she has written or co-written more than 200 studies, and she continues to churn out research at a striking pace.
  14. Hazen says that origins-of-life experiments may also help create synthetic cells that can churn out biofuels, which would be a boon in these days of energy crunches and concerns about climate change.
  15. Secondly, most of the textile units in these countries have old and outdated machinery which leads to high production costs and in turn the products they churn out are uncompetitive.
  16. With little or no previous experience in handset manufacturing, these companies churn out components and assemble them in tiny workshops without quality testing or licences.
  17. This indicates that even when people eat less, their bodies continue to churn out new fat cells to ensure the levels stay the same.
  18. As South Korean and Taiwanese electronics companies churn out products nearly identical to those of the Japanese majors, there are fears in Tokyo that the country's manufacturers are falling behind in innovation.
  19. They churn out 3 000 identical toy trains every day.
  20. Books about China are coming off the printing presses faster than Guangdong factories can churn out iPads.
  21. Chinese developers are coming to the chilling realisation that they are planning to churn out iron ore at the wrong point of the steel cycle.
  22. Some pulp writers churn out two or three short stories a day.
  23. For companies to prosper, managers must invest in creative ideas, products, services, concepts and a system that makes people churn out profitable innovations.
  24. A typical plant will churn out 3,000 silicon wafers every hour, with each wafer forming one solar cell.
  25. The heavy industries linked with national governments continue to churn out weapons.
  26. Many simply churn out official propaganda, and few look far beyond their own backyard.
  27. But to simply churn out this soulless sequel on the strength of two box-office hits is an insult to the film-goer.
  28. Inflection points always churn out confused signals and therefore mixed interpretations.
  29. Bacteria's knack for adaptation hinges on their ability to constantly churn out new molecules of RNA, which carry crucial messages that tell a cell what proteins to make and in what quantities.



  1. produce something at a fast rate
    1. He churns out papers, but they are all about the same topic

  2. perform in a mechanical way